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Veramarx Lyme disease test

Veramarx Lyme disease test

The Veramarx Immunoassay of 10 Inflammatory Biomarkers

The Veramarx diagnostic for Lyme disease is the only test proven to be effective upon initial presentation of symptoms, which is the key to effective treatment.


Early diagnosis for effective treatment

Studies show that most people see their doctor 2 to 3 days after they are infected with Lyme disease.  This is also the best time for diagnosis and treatment before Lyme disease could potentially become the chronic form which can create potential life-long symptoms.


Clear answers

Having an easy-to-interpret, clinically actionable diagnostic provides the physician with clear answers that led to optimal treatment.


 What to ask your doctor


Ask your doctor to run the Veramarx Lyme disease test.  The test can be run on a sample of your blood that your doctor sends into our lab.  


If your doctor is unfamiliar with Veramarx testing, please contact Customer Care at and we can help connect them with a local Veramarx Lyme disease Specialist.



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